coloré de goût

"What and why this theme-blog look like this?"

Hello, this is my second posting, right? yup! now i want to telling you about my comfy look blog. why i used this theme? because i love everything about scrapbook kits, ilustrations that made by (ya for this time - new interest) forget it!classic stuff, vintage decoration, and but not dark, yeah just a lilttle colours that still warm with eyes. ehm.. I think black and white when it combined would be a cool color. but it is just cool. fixed up there. look different with a combination of other colors. so why was created thousands of colour type if only black and white that became the theme of your life. 

umm.. maybe just these that i can tell you about my blog theme. I hope you enjoyed the diving my language and supported by the appearance of  this wacky-crowded blog.

Happy Reading guys. 

Lova Nouva

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