New life phase
Halo, i've been back to posting new story. Entah lah ya itu judul yang tepat atau ngga. But maybe it's suit. New life phase : student - a happy worker.
alhamdulillah one of my bucketlist tercapai. Dulu gue pernah tulis gitu november 2014 gue wisuda dan awal 2015 udah dapet kerja. And i believe every wish that we write on or we say it will become a deeply pray. And yes, god know whats the best for me, god give you something upon your effort to catch it. Setelah berjuang nyelesain skripshits sampe kelar jadi skripsweet. Dan wisuda bulan agustus. Alhamdulillah lagi gak lama nganggur (malu dan cukup stress tekanan dari luar) bulan november 2014. Udah taken kontrak probation in furniture high class palace.
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