just a second anniversary

senggigi lombok??? HAHA just a dream!! everyone just dream. ok?
there is nothing's wrong with dreaming, right?
anyone who dared to forbid a person to dream? try mentioned?! HAHA :D

I am very happy cause today is my second anniversary with my dearest boyfriend  but umm.. maybe i just too stressed and over thinkin' about this day. *sigh* so that slightly not appear on my aura this day.  I'm just trying to limit my dreams before. A dream which may never I got  in my life, and I became scared and lazy to look to those who can get what I cannot got. Congratulations on them and survived well for me and the women of this world. because today is our day.
so should I just find it to be the most lucky today? because today there are two celebrations at once..
and should I feel special today?
answer is certainly NO.
due to the presence of two celebrations does not mean I'm entitled to get what I want.
and if the day is important that only happens once a year it takes place as usual, what about the days normally? Guess it yourself !!

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